Oral Health

April Celebrates Oral Health for Total Health and National Dental Hygienists Week


April is Oral Health Month in Canada, and an important part of the celebration is National Dental Hygienists Week™ (NDHW™), which takes place from April 4 to 10. The week’s theme is “Oral Health for Total Health,” reminding us that taking care of our teeth and gums has an impact on so much more than just our mouth.

Championed by the Canadian Dental Hygienists Association (CDHA, the collective national voice of more than 31,000 dental hygienists across the country), NDHW™ “is a perfect time to set new oral care goals for yourself,” says CDHA President Francine Trudeau. “With support from your dental hygienist, who sees first-hand how good oral health benefits both your physical and mental well-being, even small changes in your daily dental hygiene routine can make a difference.” 

Dental hygienists are essential primary health care providers, who work in a variety of settings, including independent dental hygiene practice, with people of all ages. They provide vital services such as scaling, root planing, oral cancer screenings, dental sealants, and fluoride, as well as dietary recommendations, tobacco cessation counselling, and sports mouthguard fittings. They will help develop good daily oral care routines and will offer treatment recommendations and disease prevention strategies to keep patients smiling. This year, during NDHW™, dental hygienists will highlight the importance of supporting seniors’ oral health, as the new Canadian Dental Care Plan rolls out first to that vulnerable population. 

Visit cdha.ca/NDHW for educational resources and activities, including our national colouring contest for children. For information on how to achieve your oral health goals, visit dentalhygienecanada.ca.

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